Helpful Holidays

How to make your holiday home eco-friendly

With everyone becoming more environmentally conscious it is becoming more important to know how to make your holiday home eco-friendly. For those seeking to reduce their carbon footprint, ‘staycations’ are becoming incredibly popular. Marketing your property as ‘eco-friendly’ can help you break into new markets whilst contributing to a more sustainable environment – it can even save you money! To that end we have put together our top 10 budget conscious tips.

Use LED bulbs

Invest in energy-efficient light bulbs. Not only do they use less electricity. They last approximately 25 times longer than an incandescent bulb and can possibly save approximately £35 per year.

Become an indoor gardener

Not only do houseplants look nice and make your holiday home more welcoming, they are effective at cleaning the air too. Each plant is a miniature carbon scrubber, converting CO2 to oxygen so your guests can breathe happily.

Curtains and blinds

Good quality, well lined curtains or blinds will help to keep the heat in and cool air out. They’re also a useful security measure against prying eyes when your holiday home is empty. Consider covering any hardwood floors with cost effective, stylish rugs to help keep your home warm and toasty.

Provide natural cleaning products

Natural cleaning products can be just as effective as harmful chemical products which are bad for the environment and your guests. Natural cleaning products can be a little more expensive. If you’re on a budget why not consider making your own using vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Contributing the least possible amount of chemicals to the water system is in everyone’s best interest.

Recycling bins

Guests on holiday generate waste just as they would at home. With so many varying rules across local authorities, it can be hard to know exactly what can and can’t be recycled in a given area. Your guests are more likely to recycle if bins and containers are clearly labelled and instructions are left detailing the correct bins to put out on the correct day.

For more information about waste collection in your area, please see Waste Collection for your holiday property.

Invest in upcycled and recycled products

You might wish to buy recycled products to put in your holiday home. This could include simple things like kitchen/toilet paper to be provided weekly or second hand books and video games which can be freshened up each season (Covid-19 permitted).

Welcome packs

Support suppliers by buying locally atl markets and farm shops; helping to reduce food miles. You could also supply reusable canvas or fabric shopping bags for your guests when they are out and about.

You might like to provide information about public transport and encourage them to leave the car behind – cutting pollution and giving them more time to enjoy their holiday instead of sitting in traffic.

Tell your guests what you’re trying to achieve with a short message in your welcome folder and hopefully they’ll support you and your efforts.

Save water

Saving water is as important as saving electricity. Take the time to fix any leaks or dripping taps. Help your guests to conserve water by fitting low flow shower heads and aerators to taps. Rainwater can be collected to water plants too.

Install a smart meter

Heating is the biggest consumer of energy in your holiday home. It can be easy to waste energy, particularly in the winter months by leaving heating on for longer than necessary. Wastage can be prevented by fitting timer controls, allowing you to control and monitor your energy usage. If you have a smart thermostat fitted, apps such as Nest or Hive allow you to control the heating remotely. No more worrying about guests leaving heating on when they depart or frozen pipes when empty.

Invest in energy efficient appliances

When buying new appliances look for A+++ energy ratings. It’s important to ensure you get an appliance of appropriate size – for example a washing machine with a family size drum in a property sleeping two will waste energy.

Applying any or all of these will make a small but measurable difference to the Eco-friendliness of your holiday home. If you would like more tips on how to make your holiday home environmentally aware, call our owners team on 01647 401799 (option 2)